CD#91 Inheritance



QDefine the word or term inheritance?

A. Inheritance is the act of inheriting.


Q. With that being said then define to inherit?

A, To inherit is to transfer property to an heir.


We’re going to look at that very subject today “Inheritance”. Regardless of who you are, where you reside, how much or how little income you earn you will have an eternal inheritance. Your eternal inheritance will be according to your birthright! One key thing to note and to remember is somebody had to die for you to gain your inheritance.

It is built into the human minds to be independent and to want to make it on our own, in our way. In finding the way to accomplish our own way we sometimes lose sight of the big picture. Over a period of time we fall into a tunnel vision syndrome.

There are so many different things we want and things we desire to accomplish. This little study will hopefully remind us to see the big picture and inherit all good things! We know from Revelation 21:


  • Revelation 21:1-2 says “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”


Q. Why a new heaven and a new earth?

A. Because the old heaven and earth have been touched or tainted by sin. Let’s understand this word new from the original text. New was translated from the Greek word ” kainos” meaning new especially in freshness. The things created by God Almighty are good only His creation can taint them. This new is fresh by rejuvenation. Only the righteous will dwell permanently in this new heaven and new earth (see 2 Peter 3:13). Hold this thought in your mind as we work our way to Psalms 37:11 and the word inherit.

This new city is Jerusalem. Fully translated instead of only transliterated Jerusalem means, “founded peaceful” or founded on peace! Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace (see Isaiah 9:6) is the foundation meaning what this new city, new earth; new heaven is founded upon! This is why we must be taught His Word and become founded upon His sayings (Matthew 7:24-27 so we can do verse 21) so we can partake of this inheritance. Turn to the great book of Psalms please:


  • Psalms 37:11 says, “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”